General Information

Name of the Institution

Late Shri Laxmanji Motghare Charitable Trust

Postal Address in Full (Including Pin Code)

02, Rajiv Nagar Somalwada, Wardha Road, Nagpur 440025

Telephone No./Fax/e-mail

0712-2750281, 2289025, 2291603

Nearest Railway Station with distance in kms

Wadsa- 0 Km.

 Nearest Town with distance in kms. if located inrural area

Desaiganj (Wadsa)

Name of the Programme

B.Ed.(Bachelor of Education)

Number of units/intake proposed (indicated whether it is for a new programme or for an additional intake in a recognised programme)

New Programme:
One Unit of 100 in MediumMarathi/Hindi/English

Academic Year (indicating the month) from which the programme is proposed  June 2019 to Aprial 2020
Name of the Affiliating/examinig Body RTM Nagpur University, Nagpur
Type of Institution (Boys/Girls/Co-ed.) Co-Education
Endowment Fund-FDR
Reserve Fund-FDR
DD Chalan